Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Computer Industry & The Preservation of Global Ecosystems

I think that the computer industry has more of a negative effect on preserving global ecosystems. When it comes down to it, we are very much a "throw-away society." When something better comes along, we are keen to simply throw away our old items to make way for the new. Since computer technology is constantly changing and improving, many people are throwing away their old monitors, televisions, modems, printers, scanners, cameras, and virtually everything associated with computer technology to make way for the new. While there may be disposal sites for these items, people do not want to take the time to dispose of this equipment properly (just like many people don't take the time to recycle other materials).
Since there is no immediate benefit (such as cash) for the consumer to properly dispose of their older computers and equipment, they simply throw it away.. regardless of the negative effects this may have on our ecosystems.

People need to be properly informed of the damage they are causing to the environment when they improperly dispose of computer equipment. This material is not biodegradeable and therefore will not break down for many years, if ever.

There are many ways that we can all take steps to be a "greener," environmentally conscious computer users. I spend lots of my spare time simply surfing the internet on social media sites, online shopping sites, and basically just anything that I find interesting. This is an unnecessary activity which uses up electricity simply for my own entertainment. I could spend more of my leisure time outside, studying, reading a book, or just visiting with friends, rather than spending it on the internet or watching television. I could also make sure to turn the computer off everytime I am done with it, as I don't always do this. I could also make sure that I properly dispose of computer equipment when I am done with it, or better yet, give it to someone else who will make use of it and appreciate it. There are many small things that we can all do to be "greener" computer users.

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